厂名 | 光明彩印厂 |
经理 | 陈如井 |
电话 | 0577-64200778 0577-64223949(传真) |
手机 | 13958713118 15867606521 |
Q Q | 1137724881 248923592 |
M S N | |
E Mail | |
主页 | www.cngmcy.cn |
简介 | 温州市苍南县光明彩印厂创建于1993年,座落在中国印刷城----温州龙港,是浙江省民营企业诚信单位。本厂拥有国际先进的印刷包装生产设备,形成集胶印、凹印、丝印于一体的多种印刷工艺特色。长期专业从事各种包装印刷的设计制作、印刷、印后成型一条龙生产服务。在技术上拥有一批经验丰富的专业技术人员,一直致力于对各种材料的印刷涂布工艺的研究开发,取得了突破性的成果。产品参加各类评比活动中曾多次获得殊荣。 |
主营 | 纸箱,纸盒,纸袋,宣传册,画册,彩页,不干胶,笔记本订做印刷丨蒙皮生产销售 |
说明 | 声明: ⒈我们是生产型企业,是根据客户的要求定做,不卖现货。 ⒉因本店是做客户的长期生意,价格都是按长期合作的方式来报价。所以价格绝对优惠。 本店宝贝中标注的价格不是实际价格,因为印刷品价格是由你要印刷所用纸张的规格、数量、纸张厚薄、材料不同、印后加工工艺(如过胶、烫金、折页、装订、胶装、锁线胶装)一系列工艺决定,所以客户咨询价格时,提供详细的以上刷加工要求,我们会尽快核算出一个最实惠的价格给你,所以买家在购买本印刷网店中任何印刷前,请询问店家相关购买事宜。 名称:各种纸箱,纸盒,纸袋,宣传册,画册,彩叶,不干胶,笔记本等 规格:规格由客户决定,顾客在定做时,告诉我们长宽高及款式我们将为你量身打造。 数量:量越大越便宜 材质:白卡,白板,铜版,黑卡,牛皮纸,瓦楞,各种激光复合纸等。 工艺:覆膜(光膜/哑膜),烫金烫银,凹凸印,打柳钉,局部上光,过亮光油,穿绳 彩盒常用纸张介绍 (1).铜版纸:200g-350g(可双层对裱) (2).白版纸:200g-450g(可双层对裱) (3).白卡纸:230g-400g(可双层对裱) (4).牛皮纸:200g-350g(可双层对裱) (5).特种纸:一般以进口纸常见,主要用于手提袋,礼盒封面.装饰品.工艺品.精品等印刷。 |
买家须知 |
注意事项 1.请买家在拍之前务必要与店主联系具体的产品规格、大小、数量等信息,从而订好价格。双方确认后,卖家将发链接给买家,买家便可付款,卖家正式下单。 3.对尺寸要求严格请事先说明,一般印刷品都会有1-3毫米的误差。如对尺寸要求严格请您的文件做3毫米出血。谢谢合作。本店承诺,由于本店设备或技术原因造成的印刷品质量问题,免费重印,或全额退款。一般颜色的偏差不在此范围内。 4.印刷中裁切上会有1mm的误差,这属于正常现象,而非质量问题。文件制作时请尽量将边框做大在3-4mm以上。,颜色设定不低于8%,以免颜色无法显现。 5.所有文件色彩模式请设为C.M.Y.K模式。线条低于0.076mm,印刷将无法显现,需设定不小于0.076mm。
具体的交易流程: 买家询问制作内容→店家发给链接→拍下宝贝→付款到支付宝→将资料提供给店家→店家修改好以后,将成品稿通过截屏或转JPG图片的方式传给买家确认→买家确认无误后,店家开始制作印刷→店家发货→买家收到货后确认产品完好→双方评价! 付款方式: 交货方式: 可选择物流或快递。运费不包括在价格里,由买家承担。 |
English Edition:
Cangnan Guangming Printing Co,Ltd is a medium-sized printing enterprise who provides integrated service form design to printing and processing.Our company was established in 1993, located in Longgang town,Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province,China.
We are specializing in the production of printing items, paper packing boxes, gift boxes, paper cards, paper bags, posters, stickers,catalogs,swatch books,albums and so on.We have advanced technology and printing machines in providing our customers with high-class printing matters and variety of high-quality printing related businesses.Especially, We are very good at paper packing boxes and paper bags printing ,That is something why we have entered into good relationships with some famous companies in the world . And expressly, Our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source. So we are convinced that we can help you not only save costings but provide you good quality products .
Ever since its birth, upholding the dictum of "quality, integrity, innovation, growth", meeting and exceeding customers' requirements are central themes within our quality strategy. For us, people are key to our success, we set their imagination free, and to encourage their potential. Through efforts of all staff, the company has been successfully certified by UL, CSA and ISO14001:2000 quality assurance system.
Standing on the threshold of tomorrow, we shall continue to upkeep our best performance to work for the prosperity and development of our customers.It is our goal to deliver max value of products to valued customers.
Whenever your products need the delicate packages, please contact us. We will provide the best products quality, the fastest speed, the most reasonable price and the perfect service for you!
contact us
Add: No. 68, Xinwan Street, Longgang town, Wenzhou city, Zhejiang province, China.
Tel: +86-577-64200778
Fax: +86-577-64223949
MSN: cngmcy@hotmail.com